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"ZX Spectrum: Inside Out Coaster"

– Canvas Print –
Illustration by “Stoo Cambridge”
“My illustration of the original Sinclair ZX Spectrum presented against a textured grey backdrop of related media.  I have fond memories of walking past the science room at school during lunchbreak and seeing a few teachers huddled around a Speccy with what appeared to be rather frantic game of Manic Miner clearly being played!” – Stoo

If you’re a follower of RMC The Cave you may of seen the original line art version of this illustration in “The Colouring Book of Retro Computers” featuring over 30 computers and consoles from days past. You can read more on the history of this illustration at the bottom of this page.

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Technical Specs:
  • Aluminium top and bottom, sandwiching a polyethylene core 
  • 3mm thickness, super sturdy
  • 10cm x 10cm with rounded edges
  • Lightly textured surface
  • Shatter-proof & water resistant 
  • Easy to clean

About the Illustrations

In 2021 Stoo  created over 30 line art images for “The Colouring Book of Retro Computers” published by the Retro Group – (RMC The Cave) along with a variety of smaller drawings used to form the page backgrounds.

It wasn’t until he coloured up the the four postcards he realised these illustrations may work with some subtle changes as canvas prints. After a test run with the Apple IIe it became clear the idea would work as the prototype looked really good.

The Colouring Book is available to purchase right here. Grab a copy today and get colouring! – Don’t forget to share your creative masterpiece on social media with an @ or a # with Neil and Stoo. Cheers!


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